Sunday, December 12, 2010


So I was researching my name on the internet because one day a while back, a woman asked me if I knew what my name meant I said “No what does it mean?” She would not tell me and told me to go look it up for myself. Like most people I never did, lol, but the other day something just made me start digging. In one translation Leah meant weary, in another Lia meant bringer of good news. Now those are two completely different meanings to me, so I went to my man JC and asked Him what it meant. This scripture came to me:
Galatians 6:9 (King James)
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 (Amplified Bible)
“And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”
You see in doing good and trying to walk the path less taken I get weary and tired and wonder what it’s all for. To me “doing good” is like the blogs I do, the mentoring etc., that allow me to express good news and encouragement to others and being there for those when they need me. That is what "weary" and "bringer of good news" means to me. So when people are like “why is she always happy all the time”, my response is simply that I was destined and created to be. Now I do have my down times don’t get me wrong, I am human! But my good outweigh the bad and complaining will get you no further in life but to the next person that will listen. Now you know me, but do you know yourself and why you were given the name you have? 
Challenge: Find out what your name means and ask yourself are you living up to what you were destined to be or are you bowing to what others have deemed you to be?

Monday, December 6, 2010


“Obedience is better than sacrifice” 1 Samuel 15:22. Recently I decided to fast because my life has been a little chaotic and when things are not in order it’s because God isn’t the center. He does not cause confusion which was my RED flag. I decided to give up 2 things that I seemed never to go a day without checking or looking at- Facebook and TV.
It’s funny how God can speak to you through any and everything and He spoke to me through music. I recently was able to get a new car- all thanks to Him- and while driving last week I put my gospel cd in and started to worship. I wrote down a list of questions I wanted answered and He began to answer these questions.
1.       It’s my desire to be able to praise you during a storm as well as in the sun shine but I just get so down sometimes like when will it be my turn to reap?
He says -I’m not building an army of punks Leia’, I want warriors and that’s what I’m preparing you for. You see I can’t take you to the level I have for you without being able to trust you in the midst of the storms. I have to know that when you’re at your lowest you will still trust in me and no that until you are nailed to a cross you haven’t truly suffered. He told me to take the limits off of Him and let him increase my territory and take me where He wants me to go.
You have to say what you’ve been told so that what you heard will go into your spirit by the hearing of the Word. TAKE THE LIMITS OFF OF HIM AND SEE HOW HE CAN ENLARGE YOUR TERRITORY. The tears you have cried have not gone unnoticed….

2.       What’s up with these guys lately?
He said all those crazy ones you took the lead on and I allowed it because the Man of God I have for you will right all the wrongs. I want you to truly appreciate him and you never would have without out all the bad ones. All the tears of pain from the others will be replaced by tears of joy, all the time that was given to others areas than you will be replaced with all the quality time you desire, all that you have given and not received back will be given back to you 100 fold and all the love you have given and had taken for granted will be taken by him and given back until your cup runs over with love. Every past relationship was to teach you how to appreciate the one I have for you because he will appreciate you and know you are worth more than precious gems and will go above and beyond to make sure you know it. Focus on setting healthy boundaries.

3.       I have this set goal for my business I want to open. I prayed for guidance on this and the same message about increasing my territory came. I have limited Him to only this area for my business growth but He says focusing on only this will make me miss doors that He has already unlocked because I was focusing on trying to bust down a locked door. You have to be ready for the Lord to take you higher at a moment’s notice He doesn’t want to hear I’m not ready or qualified. He will make you qualified just walk through the door and allow Him to lead you. There is a plan and a purpose behind everything; nothing just happens there’s a meaning if you look close and listen to Him.
4.       Lastly a side note I learned, people ask me how do you know God is talking to you? They say they can’t hear Him. My response is this- There’s no true definition, I just know when it’s the Lord and when it’s me. It’s like the wind, you can’t see it blowing but you know when it’s a person blowing in your ear vs. the wind blowing in your ear. God is always talking but the real question is are you listening? He does not yell or try to claim your attention. When you’re ready to take the time out to hear Him he will talk and if He doesn’t talk then it means that your time should be spent waiting and learning patience while focusing on Him or that there is something else He wants you to learn.

I learned a lot from this fast, I want to encourage you to fast for yourself. See what it is you spend all your time thinking, eating, or doing and fast from it. While fasting you should be praying, reading your word and expecting God to answer your questions. If you don’t expect anything than that’s what you’ll get. I always expect Great things from a Great God and He never fails!

We are commanded to fast and pray, in the beginning I stated obedience is better than sacrifice. Meaning your end result from being obedient will be greater that whatever it was you sacrificed to obey. Learn discipline and remember God won’t keep a good thing from you! Be blessed and bless someone else.