Sunday, September 26, 2010

“Take them heels off and go to battle”

I was at church this morning and during Praise and Worship my pastor was praising the Lord and began to make movements as if he was in a boxing match. He then began saying there is a anointing in this place, the Lord is here if you just believe. He didn’t preach because he said the message has already been given. And then he began explaining that salvation is free to any and everyone that wants it. It’s not for the rich, the poor, the elite or the average and that heaven rejoices more for the one person that repents for their sin than for the many that need not repentance.
The message I received was this. God is willing to go to battle for you and send his most valued players “angels” to fight on your behalf but He needs to know that you are willing and would do the same for him. See sometimes you need to go home, lock the door, turn off the cell phone, music, and TV, take off your earrings and heels and tell the devil look I’m about to fight for mine!! The Lord wants to bless me and you’re in my way. You put your fists up like my pastor did and say one of us ain’t gone make it out of here and I bet it ain’t gone be me! “For Christ I’ll live and for Christ I’ll die”.
When you’re willing to fight and remain faithful for things that are unseen but promised by the Lord He will honor you and your prayers. I’m so glad that He looks beyond my faults and still hears my call.
No matter how old, young, accomplished, or unaccomplished you are God is not done with you yet. How will you know when he? Easy you won’t be breathing and able to ask it because you’ll be in His presence.  Lol as my sister would say “Your Dead!”
Philippians 1:21 
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Money, Money, Money, What do you serve?

So I was at Michael Baiseden’s million mentor campaign today and a man approached me. He wanted to know if I was interested in creating a mentoring program in my city. I’ve been thinking about a mentoring program for my city anyways so I said sure. He said you can create a position and make some money. I laughed. He said you laugh but I’m serious, you have to dream big, etc…. I said I laughed because I don’t do it for the money, I’ve had people and still have people that are willing to mentor me and I feel it’s my responsibility to do the same for others.
He said I like that answer I was testing you. Don’t chase the money let it chase you.
In life we are always given chances to show people the goodness and humility of God. I’m a servant first in everything I do. I don’t do it for the money, I don’t do it for recognition, I do it simply because God has given me a heart to serve others and see them happy. He provides me with the rest of the stuff I need according to His standards.
I guess when you sit down and think about it God gives us his riches when He feels like it and takes them back when He feels like it. Why chase and live for something that you have no control over and doesn’t belong to you?
It is my desire that the Lord will say to me, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things’
I love to make women feel good about themselves, I like to help the youth head in the right direction, and I love that I can do many things to help others and feel satisfied even if I don’t receive one penny for it. That is truly a blessing to be able to find purpose in life in knowing that it is not my own but to be used for the Glory of God.
1 Peter 4:10 
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

“You have not lived a perfect day, even though you have earned your money, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”
“Ruth Smeltzer”

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Just Like Riding A Bike"

I was looking at my friend’s blog and read about how she saw a bird and knew that the Lord was speaking to her through the bird. I became very envious of her. You see, I used to have that relationship with the Lord where I knew he was talking to me and directing my path. Somewhere along the line we got disconnected. So I prayed that I would be able to reconnect so I could hear His voice and direction He has for my life.

Well this morning it just so happened that I didn’t have to go into work early so I dug my bike out the garage and went for a ride. Now mind you I have not rode a bike since I was like 5 lol. Needless to say feeling nervous was putting it mildly. As I was riding the Lord began to speak to me. He allowed me to realize that the old saying holds true “It’s just like riding a bike” all you have to do is get on. All I had to do was listen and make myself available to hear Him. I didn’t have to take lessons all over again; I could pick up where we left off if I put forth the effort.

In life, sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we feel like we don’t need to depend on anyone and we can do it "All by ourselves." So I naturally got comfortable and confident riding my bike, thinking I was 5 again that I thought I could ride with one hand. Wrong move to make! Definitely almost crashed, but realized my session with the Lord wasn’t through. He was telling me that A) This is how our relationship got broke in the first place, I stopped depending on Him and tried to steer my own course, and B) If I don’t get my life together and stay focused on Him eventually I will crash and picking up the pieces won’t be as easy as putting my hand back on the handle bar.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13"